FAQ: Owner Approval for Repair and Maintenance Tasks


Can I approve every vendor you plan to send to my property for repairs and maintenance?


We greatly value our partnership with property owners and prioritize maintaining a transparent and collaborative relationship at every step of the way. When it comes to repairs and maintenance, our primary goals are to address issues efficiently to ensure the comfort of your tenants and to safeguard your property’s value.

As outlined in our property management contracts, there is a repair threshold that dictates the financial limit up to which we can autonomously authorize repairs, maintenance, redecoration, or alterations. This stands at $500 for new contracts and less for some earlier agreements.

(Management agreement language)

Opting to approve each vendor for every minor repair can significantly slow down the repair process, potentially exacerbating issues and hindering the level of service we can offer to tenants. It also runs counter to the swift and efficient system of operation outlined in our management agreement, designed to benefit both parties through prompt issue resolution.

To address concerns and preferences about vendor selections while maintaining efficiency, we encourage property owners to provide us with a list of their preferred vendors for each major trade at the beginning of our collaboration. This way, we can ensure that your preferred professionals are dispatched for relevant tasks, offering peace of mind without compromising on the speed and efficiency of service delivery.

By taking this approach, you can have the best of both worlds — a quick response time to tenant requests, keeping them satisfied, while having confidence in the quality and trustworthiness of the vendors attending to your property.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work together to manage your property effectively and maintain positive tenant relationships.

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